Wednesday, December 24, 2008

20 Weeks

We had the "big" ultrasound yesterday. Everything looks good! Our first trimester screening had shown a slightly increased risk for spina bifida because of an elevated AFP level. They didn't get a really fantastic view of the spine, but what they did say caused them to pretty much rule it out.

They also accidentally found what's probably been causing the (minor but worrisome) bleeding I'd had for a few weeks after surgery. There's an old hematoma near the placenta that my body's reabsorbing. This may also be what caused the high AFP. They want to do another scan in two weeks to keep an eye on it, but it's not concerning enough to put me on bedrest or restrict my travel.

Bit was shy and stubborn, so positioning was not optimal. Baby hands blocked good views of baby face, and Bit was snuggled in breech with his/her back against the wall. Stubborn kid.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

19 Weeks

They're not regular yet, but Mama's been feeling the occasional Little Bit kicks.

Also, true story:

The bear from the Nutcracker was at Copley Place today, doing a promotion for Boston Ballet. I walked close by him to get past, and noticed how pretty he is! Not furry, he's covered in gold organza ribbon. Well, I was so overwhelmed by how AWESOME and unexpected it was to see this bear up close, I started bawling. and could not get it back together until I'd been back at my desk for a good 20 minutes.

Ah, hormones.

Friday, December 5, 2008

17 Weeks, 2 days

I was seeing midwives earlier in my pregnancy, but because of the surgery and bleeding I had, I've been bumped a little up the risk scale and need to be "co-managed" by an obstetrician now, as well. John and I met with him yesterday, as a post-op follow up. I liked him a lot, and have heard good things about him from other sources. Still, I'm hoping my risk category doesn't go any higher, so I can go through delivery with a midwife!

Anyway, the news is all good.

- He's not concerned at all about the weird bleeding issues I've been having. He seems convinced that this is just my body cleaning house after surgery, and is not indicative of a current problem.
- Baby's growth is right on target, despite my 32lb weight loss. Given my starting weight, he said he'd be ok even if I don't gain a pound during my entire pregnancy, so long as the baby's size stays on track. We're going to follow that through regular ultrasounds.
- Those ultrasounds will be done at the hospital with the fancier equipment, starting with the anatomy scan I had scheduled for later in the month. They'll be handled by the Maternal Fetal Medicine department.
- My iron levels are really high, so there's no concern about my nutrition right now, either, despite the limited eating and the vomiting. He recommended a calcium supplement for days when I can't get enough in, but that's it.
- I am good to start taking Zantac to see if that helps with the tummy issues.
- John has the green light to travel for work again. I loved having him home, but it's a relief that he can get back to his job in an economy that's this crappy.
- I am not off the hook for early gestational diabetes testing. Need to get that done soon.
- Heard Bit's heartbeat. First, it was 144. Then s/he started dancing around, ducking out of range. When s/he reappeared, it was up to 160. Bratty kid.

I think I felt kicks the other night. There's so much going on in my belly right now, it's hard to tell. Hopefully there'll be an encore performance soon.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

15 Weeks, 6 Days

Time flies when you're having organs removed!

We were a little unfair to Bit in Hawaii, blaming him/her for how sick I was, when it turns out it was probably all gall bladder issues.

The morning before I went into the hospital, we went in for our first trimester screening ultrasound. No solid conclusions yet, but the doctor said she thought everything looked fine so far. Bit has a little baby chin and a little baby nose and a little baby belly. John thinks s/he was blowing kisses.

Since everyone was a little worried about Bit after my first surgery last week, my obstetrical care has switched to being co-managed by the midwives and the OB. This seems like a good plan to us, though I remain nervous about too many interventions at birth.

As of Friday when we left the hospital, Bit was pretty happy in there, moving around like crazy. The child remains stubborn about not being heard with a doppler, though. It's a struggle every time!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10 Weeks, 6 Days

John and I went in for our second midwife appointment this afternoon. Not much to report. We scheduled before the dating ultrasound, so while we originally thought they'd try to hear a heartbeat, it's still a bit too early for that. My weight looks good (I've actually lost since getting pregnant) and my blood pressure was fine as well.

The midwife answered a number of questions for us, primarily about my nutritional intake while I'm feeling as sick as I am. She reassured us that I should be feeling much better in the next couple of weeks as I cross over into Second Trimester territory, and prescribed an anti-nausea med for the plane trip to Hawaii, just in case. We go back the week after we're home from vacation. They'll try the heartbeat then, and I'll also do my first glucose test. (Early, as I'm at high risk for developing gestational diabetes and we'll want to keep an eye on that.) We'll also assess whether my morning sickness is still bad enough to prevent me from gaining any weight. Hopefully not! I have every intention of enjoying several bushels of pineapple next week.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

9 Weeks, 1 Day

Yesterday was a big one for Little Bit. S/he has graduated from embryo to fetus - no more tail! Right now, Bit's probably about the size of a grape. Which makes me think I should get some grapes and see if I can tolerate them. They don't sound half bad!

I'm still pretty nauseated, and it's tough getting in enough food every day but we're trying hard. I've been getting in a pretty good variety, so Bit's at least getting something good. It helps that things like chocolate and candy are so totally repugnant right now. Seriously, who the heck AM I?

Monday, October 6, 2008

8 Weeks, 5 days

Foods which Little Bit likes:

Caesar salad (hold the raw eggs, please)
Teriyaki beef
peanut butter
Grandma Claire's german potato salad
Orange juice (usually)
Eggs (preferably on a plain bagel)

Foods which Little Bit does not like:
Vanilla milk shakes
Sauces (ironic, as Mama has been known to eat foods just to get the sauce)
Deep fried foods
Whole wheat bread
Figs/raisins/other dried fruit

Foods which Little Bit cares little for but is kind enough to let Mama eat anyway:
Mashed potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Granola bars

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Uh - Make That 7 Weeks, 6 Days

We had our first ultrasound today!

Wee Little Bit is measuring a little behind where we thought, by about 6 days. Our due date has been pushed back accordingly, to May 13th. The tech estimated the embryo is about 14mm long, and the heart rate is around 170bpm.

We came home with a little screen print, such that it is. Not a whole lot to see just yet, but Bit is clearly identifiable, blobby as he/she/it may be. I'll have to get that scanned.

Other than that, all's quiet. I am very very nauseated at this point, which is a surprise to nobody. John's been really wonderful. Yesterday, he went grocery shopping and bought a huge variety of food so I could hopefully find something good to eat every day. He came home and put it all away, and then cleaned up the kitchen until it sparkled. As I've been something close to a useless lump for 2 weeks, it was lovely.

He has also resisted the urge to smack me whenever I tell him how bad things smell. Which is often.

Friday, September 26, 2008

8 Weeks, 1 day

Yesterday, at exactly 8 Weeks, John and I went in for my first prenatal appointment. The midwife says I look very healthy. I will be screened early for gestational diabetes as a precaution since I'm higher risk for that, but I've been very careful about what I eat. So even if I am diagnosed, the treatment shouldn't be much more than tweaking my diet a little.

They don't do routine ultrasounds this early, but have scheduled one for next week to be sure we're dating the pregnancy correctly. The tentative due date is May 8, but I do expect that to be pushed back a bit.

The nausea has been hard this week. I'm functional, but it's a struggle to eat and get the nutrition the baby and I need. I'm working hard at it, though.

I'm planning to tell my bosses today. I've been so green around the gills lately, they've undoubtedly guessed something's up. Easier for them to know when I'm scheduling a bunch of doctor's appointments. And when I need some schedule flexibility on the days when I don't know if I can handle the bus commute!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby's First Food Aversions

Last night, I mentioned to John that I was putting together a list of questions for the midwife, and if he had any we should add them. He said "Can I ask her how to tell what you won't want to eat before you order it?"

Oh yes, bring on the food aversions. So far, they have been mild. I cannot stomach the idea of eating raisins, and anything with a thick deep fried coating is right out. I really really wanted that portabello mushroom sandwich last night, though. And as soon as I picked it up and smelled it, I had to put it back down and close up its takeout box tightly. Fortunately I had no issues with the chicken quesadilla we'd also ordered. I think the sandwich was just too...busy.

Yesterday was the first time I generally didn't feel good. The nausea is strong and steady, and I need to force myself to eat. Ironically, it bothers me least in the mornings. Also, my feet have started taking on the dimensions of small watermelons. I had no idea water retention could happen this early, but apparently it's not uncommon. Awesome.

It could definitely be worse, though. And it's completely worth it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

6 Weeks, 6 days

Oh, the nausea!

It is tolerable, fortunately, if unpleasant. I almost sort of like it, as a reminder that there's something going on in there. Maybe I need a hobby.

With the notable exception of John's birthday dinner at Margarita's last night, my nutrition has been pretty great. John is remarkably helpful about grocery shopping and stopping at the farmer's market and getting "hippie food," as we call organics. He is being so very supportive about getting me a wide variety of good healthy food.

This weekend we managed a nice walk around Newbury Street before meeting Bob and Andrea for dinner. I am still walking every day and doing some yoga stretches every morning, but it's always a nice treat to walk with John.

It's been tough keeping secrets. Not only did we see Bob and Andrea, but I visited my grandparents this weekend, and talked to my oldest friend Kelly, and have talked to my whole family and John's talked to his whole family. "What's new?" is not a question I can answer right now! I almost thought the cat was out of the bag when I had dinner with Christina and did not order the Cuban Lady cocktail I'm so fond of. She may suspect, but she didn't question. Fortunately.

I've done the first round of blood work for the first trimester, and while I'm half expecting the office to call and say "These symptoms are all in your head; there's no baby, crazy lady," that hasn't happened so far and it's been nearly a week. It feels like our first midwife appointment will never get here, but it's a week from tomorrow.

In the meantime, we're both reading up. Last week, John brought up the timing of our Hawaii trip, and how it'll be just inside the start of the second trimester. I said "Right, about 12 weeks." "Actually," John said, "a trimester is about 13 weeks." I stand corrected!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

5 Weeks, 3 days

After trying for 10 months, I'm pregnant! We haven't told anyone except my healthcare practitioners yet, but I wanted to get a blog rolling for our family and friends.

We found out a week ago today. I'd felt mildly queasy and feverish during the week, but what made me finally take a test was a non-pregnancy-related message board online, when someone else posted about having a metallic taste in her mouth. I'd had the same thing for about a week, so when several people responded that this is a pregnancy symptom, I rushed out to CVS to get a digital test. John was getting out of the shower as I got home, so he was there to see the big ol' "PREGNANT" as I hyperventilated and cried. I cannot remember being so excited and surprised since he proposed.

As it happens, we were spending the day with Pat and John Sr, and John didn't want to tell them just yet. Keeping secrets is hard! Even though they don't know it yet, they have the first photograph of pregnant me, the one we had taken at the Museum of Science.

I've been feeling really great. We have put a high priority on proper nutrition, so I've refreshed my memory on what and how often to eat. John has been amazingly supportive of my efforts, taking me grocery shopping and sometimes doing it all himself. This baby has been very well fed! I'm also getting moderate exercise, between walks every day and some light yoga each morning. John's even come on walks with me, which has been really nice.

My symptoms haven't been too bad. Getting up at night for bathroom breaks and a bit of nausea during my commutes have been the most obvious. I had a lot of anxiety last week, but have resolved to do everything I can to make this a healthy pregnancy and not worry too much. This week, I go in for lab work, and at 8 weeks, we go in for my first prenatal exam.

We are both excited, and cautiously optimistic.