Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Uh - Make That 7 Weeks, 6 Days

We had our first ultrasound today!

Wee Little Bit is measuring a little behind where we thought, by about 6 days. Our due date has been pushed back accordingly, to May 13th. The tech estimated the embryo is about 14mm long, and the heart rate is around 170bpm.

We came home with a little screen print, such that it is. Not a whole lot to see just yet, but Bit is clearly identifiable, blobby as he/she/it may be. I'll have to get that scanned.

Other than that, all's quiet. I am very very nauseated at this point, which is a surprise to nobody. John's been really wonderful. Yesterday, he went grocery shopping and bought a huge variety of food so I could hopefully find something good to eat every day. He came home and put it all away, and then cleaned up the kitchen until it sparkled. As I've been something close to a useless lump for 2 weeks, it was lovely.

He has also resisted the urge to smack me whenever I tell him how bad things smell. Which is often.

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