Sunday, September 7, 2008

5 Weeks, 3 days

After trying for 10 months, I'm pregnant! We haven't told anyone except my healthcare practitioners yet, but I wanted to get a blog rolling for our family and friends.

We found out a week ago today. I'd felt mildly queasy and feverish during the week, but what made me finally take a test was a non-pregnancy-related message board online, when someone else posted about having a metallic taste in her mouth. I'd had the same thing for about a week, so when several people responded that this is a pregnancy symptom, I rushed out to CVS to get a digital test. John was getting out of the shower as I got home, so he was there to see the big ol' "PREGNANT" as I hyperventilated and cried. I cannot remember being so excited and surprised since he proposed.

As it happens, we were spending the day with Pat and John Sr, and John didn't want to tell them just yet. Keeping secrets is hard! Even though they don't know it yet, they have the first photograph of pregnant me, the one we had taken at the Museum of Science.

I've been feeling really great. We have put a high priority on proper nutrition, so I've refreshed my memory on what and how often to eat. John has been amazingly supportive of my efforts, taking me grocery shopping and sometimes doing it all himself. This baby has been very well fed! I'm also getting moderate exercise, between walks every day and some light yoga each morning. John's even come on walks with me, which has been really nice.

My symptoms haven't been too bad. Getting up at night for bathroom breaks and a bit of nausea during my commutes have been the most obvious. I had a lot of anxiety last week, but have resolved to do everything I can to make this a healthy pregnancy and not worry too much. This week, I go in for lab work, and at 8 weeks, we go in for my first prenatal exam.

We are both excited, and cautiously optimistic.

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