Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby's First Food Aversions

Last night, I mentioned to John that I was putting together a list of questions for the midwife, and if he had any we should add them. He said "Can I ask her how to tell what you won't want to eat before you order it?"

Oh yes, bring on the food aversions. So far, they have been mild. I cannot stomach the idea of eating raisins, and anything with a thick deep fried coating is right out. I really really wanted that portabello mushroom sandwich last night, though. And as soon as I picked it up and smelled it, I had to put it back down and close up its takeout box tightly. Fortunately I had no issues with the chicken quesadilla we'd also ordered. I think the sandwich was just too...busy.

Yesterday was the first time I generally didn't feel good. The nausea is strong and steady, and I need to force myself to eat. Ironically, it bothers me least in the mornings. Also, my feet have started taking on the dimensions of small watermelons. I had no idea water retention could happen this early, but apparently it's not uncommon. Awesome.

It could definitely be worse, though. And it's completely worth it.

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