Friday, December 5, 2008

17 Weeks, 2 days

I was seeing midwives earlier in my pregnancy, but because of the surgery and bleeding I had, I've been bumped a little up the risk scale and need to be "co-managed" by an obstetrician now, as well. John and I met with him yesterday, as a post-op follow up. I liked him a lot, and have heard good things about him from other sources. Still, I'm hoping my risk category doesn't go any higher, so I can go through delivery with a midwife!

Anyway, the news is all good.

- He's not concerned at all about the weird bleeding issues I've been having. He seems convinced that this is just my body cleaning house after surgery, and is not indicative of a current problem.
- Baby's growth is right on target, despite my 32lb weight loss. Given my starting weight, he said he'd be ok even if I don't gain a pound during my entire pregnancy, so long as the baby's size stays on track. We're going to follow that through regular ultrasounds.
- Those ultrasounds will be done at the hospital with the fancier equipment, starting with the anatomy scan I had scheduled for later in the month. They'll be handled by the Maternal Fetal Medicine department.
- My iron levels are really high, so there's no concern about my nutrition right now, either, despite the limited eating and the vomiting. He recommended a calcium supplement for days when I can't get enough in, but that's it.
- I am good to start taking Zantac to see if that helps with the tummy issues.
- John has the green light to travel for work again. I loved having him home, but it's a relief that he can get back to his job in an economy that's this crappy.
- I am not off the hook for early gestational diabetes testing. Need to get that done soon.
- Heard Bit's heartbeat. First, it was 144. Then s/he started dancing around, ducking out of range. When s/he reappeared, it was up to 160. Bratty kid.

I think I felt kicks the other night. There's so much going on in my belly right now, it's hard to tell. Hopefully there'll be an encore performance soon.

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