Tuesday, April 7, 2009

35 weeks

We had an excellent ultrasound yesterday. Bit remains head down, and according to the doctor, her growth is "perfect." So is my fluid level. The ultrasound estimated her to be about 5lbs, 11oz! They want to start seeing me once a week for Non Stress Tests, just to be proactive - they see nothing wrong with the baby at all, but we've had so many small complications they want to err on the side of caution.

John and I finished up our childbirth class this weekend. Next up: Infant & Child Care, Breastfeeding, and Infant CPR.

The car seat arrived yesterday and will be installed this week. The furniture is all here. My mother and sister hosted a lovely baby shower for us last weekend, and Bit's got a ton of loot just waiting until she can fit into it.

I can't believe how close we're getting.